All published stories can now be translated into any language! We’ve added 77 languages to the HackerNoon distribution machine. Watch your stats exponentially grow, rank for keywords in other languages as well as reach a diverse but relevant audience with translations! Visit your story setting here to add the desired translations to your story!
We couldn’t add
There are 2 ways to translate your stories!
1. Via Our service page:
Step 1: Visit
You’ll land on this page. All you have to do now is go through the story translating package and pick the number of languages you’d like your story translated - you can choose 1, 6, or 12 translations!
What’s on the Story Translation service?
Translate a story with any of our 77 most popular languages worldwide! Watch your stats exponentially grow, rank for keywords in other languages as well as reach a diverse but relevant audience with translation!
Immediate perks:
- Gather More Readership from different corners/regions of the world
- Increase article's linkages around the web
- The flags under your story title look cool af
Tip: Buying in bulk will get you better deals!
Step 2: Pick a Product
For this example’s sake, let’s assume you selected the 12-language package. If you add it to your cart, a checkmark will show next to that button confirming the cart addition, and you’ll see the number of products next to your cart at the top of the page. Like so:
If you click buy now, you’ll be directed to checkout.
Step 3: Verify your cart
Click the “Your Cart” button at the top of the page to double-check your selections, add discount coupons, save a product for later or delete it. On this page, you’ll also get recommendations for other products that might interest you.
Once you’re happy with your selection it’s time for…
Step 4: Checkout
Whether you chose to go through this whole process or just clicked the “Buy Now” button, you’ll always end up on this page:
Now is the time to select how you want to pay for your order: Credit Card, Cash App Pay, or Google Pay. Pick an option, add your details, and hit “Pay now”. A confirmation email will be sent, and your account history will be saved for future purchases.
Step 5: Pick a story to be translated
Now that you’ve acquired a translation service, you can use it on one of your published stories. To do so, go to your order link, pick a story from the list of all published stories, and pick the languages - whether you choose 1, 6, or 12 translations, simply type in the languages you want in the search bar; you might also recognize the flags, which come with every language! Click next and voila, you are done!
Please allow some time for the translations to populate! API calls and all :)
2. Via Story Page
Step 1: On any of your published stories, hover over the language flag for the desired translation. Click to unlock the language.
Step 2: Select from 1, 6, 12, or all 76 languages and enter your payment details.
Step 3: Hit “Pay Now”—you’re set!
3. Via Story settings page:
Step 1: On any of your published stories, click on the “edit” story button atop your title.
You would have to be logged in to HackerNoon with your writer email to see this button.
Step 2: Once there, open the story settings.
You’ll see the translation service available for ordering right away! Select the translation option - 1, 6, and 12 languages - and hit “Buy now”. This will take you through the checkout process: add your payment details and hit “Pay now”. A confirmation email will be sent, and your account history will be saved for future purchases.
Step 3: Your order will load on a new page, where you’ll pick the languages.
Just like in the previous flow, you’ll need to search or handpick your chosen languages, click next, and you are done! Once again, please allow some time for the translations to populate.
That’s all for now!
Spoiler alert: At the moment, you can also acquire Business Blogging Credits. Soon, you’ll also be able to purchase packages like Evergreen Tech News Pages, our special Startups Packages, and more.